
陈展飞,1991年出生,莆田学院附属医院检验科副主任,副教授,硕士生导师,入选莆田市高层次人才,荣获莆田市青年五四奖章。主要从事临床分子免疫检验诊断和肿瘤基础研究工作,系福建省免疫与分子诊断专业委员会委员,莆田市抗癌协会第二届青年委员会副主任委员,莆田市医学会检验医学分会秘书,莆田市抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会秘书。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、福建省自然科学基金等纵向科研项目5项,在Journal for immunotherapy of cancer(中国科学院1区)、Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry等期刊发表SCI学术论文10余篇。
2017.9-2020.7 福建医科大学 博士临床检验诊断学
2014.9-2017.7 福建医科大学 硕士临床检验诊断学
2008.9-2013.7福建医科大学 本科医学检验
2021.5-至今莆田学院附属医院检验科 主管技师
2020.8-2021.4 莆田学院附属医院检验科技师
1. “mPGES-1抑制剂DMC通过LINC01933调控TGF-β信号通路在抑制肝癌进展中的机制研究(82103469)”,国家自然科学基金,2022.01-2024.12,主持,30万,在研
2. “基于质谱流式探究2,5-二甲基塞来昔布调控肝癌免疫微环境的机制(2023J05299)”,福建省自然科学基金,2023.08-2026.08,主持,8万,在研
3. “2,5-二甲基塞来昔布调控肠道菌群抑制肝癌进展的机制研究(X202311498017)”,莆田学院大学生创新创业训练项目,2023.04-2024.09,指导老师,0.2万,在研
4. “基于超星学习通对分课堂联合CBL在临床基础检验教学中的应用研究(JG202340)”,莆田学院教育教学改革项目,2023.06-2025.06,主持,0.5万,在研
1. Zeng J, Wu T, Wang L, Yu L, Lin H, Chen Z. Characteristics of reproductive tract infections caused by common pathogens among the outpatients of reproductive medicine center in Putian: retrospective study. BMC infectious diseases. 2024; 24(1):315.
2. Fang L, Li J, Lin W, Zeng L, Yu L, Chen Z, Shen J, Chen Y, Chen Z, Lin Z. One-Step Synthesis of Chitosan Hydrogel as Electrochemical Chemosensor for Hydrogen Sulfide Detection in Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension Syndrome Serum Sample. ChemistryOpen. 2024:e202400107.
3. Pan B, Chen Z, Zhang X, Wang Z, Yao Y, Wu X, Qiu J, Lin H, Yu L, Tu H et al. 2,5-dimethylcelecoxib alleviated NK and T-cell exhaustion in hepatocellular carcinoma via the gastrointestinal microbiota-AMPK-mTOR axis. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023; 11(6).
4. Chen Z, Lin H, Zheng J, Cai L, Chen Z, Li J, Yu L. Epidemiological study of HPV infection in 40,693 women in Putian: a population study based on screening for high-risk HPV infection. BMC Infect Dis. 2022; 22(1):893.
5. Chen Y, Pan B, Qiu J, Chen Z, Wang X, Tang N. Increased effects of 2,5-dimethylcelecoxib on sensitivity of hepatocellular carcinoma cells to sorafenib via CYP3A5 expression and activation of AMPK. Toxicol In Vitro. 2021; 76:105226.
6. Chen Z, Chen Y, Peng L, Wang X, Tang N. 2,5-dimethylcelecoxib improves immune microenvironment of hepatocellular carcinoma by promoting ubiquitination of HBx-induced PD-L1. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2020; 8(2).
7. Peng L, Chen Z, Chen Y, Wang X, Tang N. MIR155HG is a prognostic biomarker and associated with immune infiltration and immune checkpoint molecules expression in multiple cancers. Cancer medicine. 2019; 8(17):7161-73.
8. Chen Z, Cai X, Li M, Yan L, Wu L, Wang X, Tang N. CRISPR/Cas9-based liver-derived reporter cells for screening of mPGES-1 inhibitors. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry. 2019; 34(1):799-807.
9. Yan L, Chen Z, Wu L, Su Y, Wang X, Tang N. Inhibitory effect of PXR on ammonia-induced hepatocyte autophagy via P53. Toxicology letters. 2018; 295:153-61.
10. Su Y, Chen Z, Yan L, Lian F, You J, Wang X, Tang N. Optimizing combination of liver-enriched transcription factors and nuclear receptors simultaneously favors ammonia and drug metabolism in liver cells. Experimental cell research. 2018; 362(2):504-14.
11. Chen Z, Tang N, Wang X, Chen Y. The activity of the carbamoyl phosphate synthase 1 promoter in human liver-derived cells is dependent on hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-beta. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine. 2017; 21(9):2036-45.
12. Chen Z, Lian F, Wang X, Chen Y, Tang N. Arginine-glycine-aspartic acid-polyethylene glycol-polyamidoamine dendrimer conjugate improves liver-cell aggregation and function in 3-D spheroid culture. International journal of nanomedicine. 2016; 11:4247-59.