
2018.9-2021.8福建农林大学 博士 风景园林学
2014.9-2017.6福建农林大学 硕士 风景园林学
2010.9-2014.6福建农林大学 学士 园林(风景园林方向)
2021.8-至今莆田学院土木工程学院 讲师
1. “城市道路绿量与视觉心理感知的研究”,莆田学院引进人才项目,2021-2024,主持,10万元
2. “基于视觉心理感知的街道绿量阙值研究”,福建省中青年教师教育科研项目,2021-2023,主持,1万元
3. “绿化景观视觉眼动试验平台”,莆田市科技局,2021-2024,主持,62万元
4. “木兰溪绿道使用者游憩满意度评价”,莆田学院木兰溪综合治理研究院科研项目,2022-2024,主持,0.5万元
5. “福建省海岛适生植物表型可塑性研究”,福建省海岛资源生态监测与保护利用重点实验室,2023-2024,主持,3.0万元
1. ZHENG J, HUANG Y, CHEN Y, et al. Subjective preference and visual attention to the attributes of ornamental plants in urban green space: An eye-tracking study[J]. Forests. 2022, 13(11): 1871.
2. ZHENG J M, TARIN M W K, JIANG D, et al. Various distances and orientations influenced the branching traits of Dendrocalamus minor var. amoenus in Dongshan Island, China[J]. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2021, 26: 1-9.
3. ZHENG J, TARIN M W K, JIANG D, et al. Which ornamental features of bamboo plants will attract the people most?[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2021, 61: 127101-127109.
4. ZHENG J M, CHEN X Y, CHEN L G, et al. Comprehensive evaluation of soil quality at different stand densities of Dendrocalamus minor var. amoenus plantations[J]. Applied ecology and environmental research. 2020, 18(4): 5985-5996.
5. ZHENG J, TARIN M W K, CHEN G, et al. The characteristics of plant clusters influence on the cooling effect: A case study in a subtropical Island Park, China[J]. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2022, 34: e2055.
6. ZHENG J M, TARIN M W K, ZHENG Y S. The coastal distances and tending operations influence the leaf traits and leaf allometry of bamboo Dendrocalamus minor var. amoenus[J]. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 2022, 20(2): 1955-1967.
7. ZHENG J M, ZHENG Y S. Exploring the species and phylogenetic diversity, phylogenetic structure of mixed communities along the coastal gradient. A case study in a subtropical island, China[J]. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 2022, 4(20): 3129-3141.
8. 郑俊鸣, 张嘉灵, 郑建忠, 等. 中国海岛植被修复的适生植物[J]. 世界林业研究. 2017, 30(03): 86-90.
9. 郑俊鸣, 方笑, 朱雪平, 等. 平潭大屿岛植物资源及其多样性研究[J]. 安徽农业大学学报. 2016, 43(04): 640-645.
10. 郑俊鸣, 朱丹丹, 蒋梦莹, 等. 福州市3个山地公园三维绿量与其影响因子特征研究[J]. 中国园林. 2018, 34(02): 89-93.