
叶建斌,1986年出生,副教授,硕士生导师,福建医科大学兼职硕导,博士期间曾留学美国疾病预防控制中心2年;入选“福建省高层次C类人才”、“莆田市壶兰人才计划”、“莆田学院青年拔尖人才”;《轻工学报》青年编委;主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,省部级项目2项,市厅级项目2项,横向项目3项;发表论文20多篇,SCI收录18篇,包括Bioresource technology、Applied microbiology and biotechnology等领域内top期刊7篇,总引用次数600多次,单篇他引超100次;授权发明专利8项;获得省科技进步奖三等奖2项,教育厅科技成果一等奖1项。
2002.9-2005.7 华东理工大学博士环境科学与工程(微生物学方向)
1999.9-2002.3 华东理工大学学士生物科学
1. 甾体雌激素母核A环裂解的酶催化特征及机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2019.01-2021.12,主持,30万元
2. 功能性细菌纤维素基神经鞘管的制备及修复周围神经断裂的研究,2024.01-2027.12,主持,200.0万元
3. 细胞穿膜肽/纳米纤维素抗菌复合材料的合成及性能研究,福建省自然科学基金项目, 2021.11-2024.08,主持,8.0万元
4. 基于枇杷残渣合成医用纳米纤维素材料及生物性能研究,莆田市科技局项目, 2021.11-2024.08,主持,8.0万元
5. 细菌纤维素基微粒载药系统的制备及性能研究,校人才启动科研项目,2021.10-2024.12,主持,10.0万元
6. 多肽PqqA新型环化交联的生成反应机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上联合项目,2020.01-2022.12,48.0万元,参与,第二。
1. Jianbin Ye, Jianqing Li, Xiangjiang Wang, Qiuhui Wang, Shouan Wang, Honglin Wang, Hu Zhu, Jia Xu. Preparation of bacterial cellulose-based antibacterial membranes with prolonged release of drugs: Emphasis on the chemical structure of drugs. Carbohydrate Polymers. 323 (2024), 121379 (JCR Q1,top期刊).
2. Jianqing Li, Xiangjiang Wang, Qiuhui Wang, Yishen Hu, Shouan Wang, Jia Xu*, Jianbin Ye*. Galectin from Trichinella spiralis alleviates DSS-induced colitis in mice by regulating the intestinal microbiota. Veterinary Research (2024) 55:3 (JCR Q1,top期刊).
3. Qinhuang Zeng, Renhe Zeng, Jianbin Ye*. Alteration of the oral and gut microbiota in patients with Kawasaki disease. 2023, PeerJ 11: e15662.
4. Jianbin Ye,Jianqing Li, Qiuhui Wang, Xiangjiang Wang, Shouan Wang, Honglin Wang, Jia Xu. Bacterial cellulose production by a strain of Komagataeibacterrhaeticus isolated from residual loquat. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2023 Feb;107 (5):1551-1562. (JCR Q1,top期刊).
5. Jianbin Ye, Yilang Ding, XiaonaQi, Jia Xu, XuepengYang, Zhan Zhang. Geographic and position-based variations in phyllospheric bacterial communities present on flue-cured tobacco. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2021 Dec;105(24):9297-9308. (JCR Q1,top期刊)
6. Jianbin Ye, Shu Tian, Liwen Lv, Yilang Ding, Xiaona Qi, Junsong Zhang, Liqun Li*. Production and purification of 2-phenylethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae using tobacco waste extract as a substrate. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2021, 73(6):800-806.
7. Jianbin Ye; Linxuan Guo; YingjieFeng, FuyanSun, Tingting Zhang, ZongcanYang; GuopengShen, ZhanZhang*. Fabrication of Bacterial Cellulose-Based ATO-PPy Nanocomposites as Flexible Conductive Materials. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2020, 49 (11):6686-6694.
8. Jianbin Ye, Shanshan Zheng, Zhan Zhang, Feng Yang, Ke Ma, Yinjie Feng, Jianqiang Zheng, Duobin Mao, Xuepeng Yang*, Bacterial cellulose production by Acetobacter xylinum ATCC 23767 usingtobacco waste extract as culture medium. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 274: 518–524. (JCR Q1,top期刊)
9. Jianbin Ye, Linxuan Guo, Shanshan Zheng, Yingjie Feng, Tingting Zhang, Zongcan Yang,Qishan Yuan, Guopeng Shen, Zhan Zhang. Synthesis of bacterial cellulose based SnO2-Pyy nanocomposites as potential flexible, highly conductive material. Material letters. 2019, 253: 372-376.
10. Jianbin Ye, Ji Yan, Zhan Zhang, Zongcan Yang, Xiangzhen Liu, Hao Zhou, Genfa Wang, Hui Hao, Ke Ma, Yupin Ma, Duobin Mao*, Xuepeng Yang*. The effects of threshing and redrying on bacterial communities that inhabit the surface of tobacco leaves. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2017,101:4279–4287. (JCR Q1,top期刊)
11. Jianbin Ye, Zhan Zhang, Ji;Yan, Hui Hao, Xiangzhen Liu, Zongcan Yang, Ke Ma, Xuepeng Yang, Duobin Mao, Hao Zhou*. Degradation of phytosterols in tobacco waste extract by a novel Paenibacillus sp. Biotechnology and applied biochemistry. 2017, 2017, 64 (6):843-850
12. Jianbin Ye, Yan Ji, Jia Xu, Ke Ma, Xuepeng Yang*. Zoonotic Enterocytozoonbieneusi in raw wastewater in Zhengzhou, China. Folia parasitological. 2017, 64: 002.
13. Jianbin Ye, Lihua Xiao*, Yuanfei Wang, Yaqiong Guo, Dawn M. Roellig, Yaoyu Feng*, Dominance of Giardia duodenalis assemblage A and Enterocytozoonbieneusi genotype BEB6 in sheep in Inner Mongolia, China, Veterinary Parasitology, 2015, 210: 235–239. (JCR Q1,top期刊)
14. Jianbin Ye, Lihua Xiao*, Jian Li, Weiyi Huang, Said E. Amer, Yaqiong Guo, Dawn Roellig, Yaoyu Feng*, Occurrence of human-pathogenic Enterocytozoonbieneusi, Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium genotypes in laboratory macaques in Guangxi, China, Parasitology international, 2014, 63(1):132-137.
15. Jianbin Ye, Lihua Xiao*, Yuanfei Wang, Lin Wang, Said E. Amer, Meijing Guo, Yaoyu Feng*, Periparturient transmission of Cryptosporidium xiaoi from ewes to lambs, Veterinary parasitology, 2013, 197 (3–4): 627–633. (JCR Q1,top期刊)
16. Jianbin Ye, Lihua Xiao*, Jingbo Ma, Meijing Guo, Lili Liu, Yaoyu Feng*, Anthroponotic enteric parasites in free-range rhesus monkeys in a public park, China, Emerging Infectious Disease, 2012, 18(10): 1640–1643. (JCR Q1,top期刊)
1. 叶建斌,杨雪鹏,丁一郎,钟桂芳,胡仙妹,马科,王光路,王冰洋.一种全烟草组分再造烟叶的制备方法. ZL202210432167.X,2023年11月,发明专利,授权
2. 叶建斌,杨雪鹏,张展,马科,毛多斌,郑闪闪,王璐,吕丽文.一种微生物组合发酵烟草浸提物生成细菌纤维素的方法. ZL201811108624X,2021年07月,发明专利,授权
3. 叶建斌,杨雪鹏,郝辉,闫记,刘向真,杨宗灿,马科,毛多斌,一种生物法降解烟草浸出液中甾醇类化合物的方法. ZL 2015 10974135.2,2017年03月,发明专利,授权
4. 叶建斌,杨雪鹏,马科,杨峰,樊新顺,闫记,聂晶晶,杨宗灿.一种耐热细胞溶解素及其在烟草薄片制备中的应用.ZL 2016 10893201.8,2017年12月,发明专利,授权
2. 2023年获“莆田学院青年拔尖人才”荣誉称号(校级)
3. 2022年获得“莆田市壶兰人才计划”荣誉称号(莆田市委人才办)
4. 2024年获得“莆田学院科研先进贡献奖”荣誉称号(校级)