
易明杰,1993年出生,教授,硕士生导师;入选莆田学院青年拔尖人才;主持福建省自然科学基金创青项目1项,主持莆田学院人才引进启动基金1项,参与深圳市基础研究重点项目1项;共发表研究性SCI论文23篇,以第一作者在Advanced Science、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Energy Storage Materials等中国科学院一区Top期刊上发表SCI论文11篇,影响因子大于10以上论文5篇,被他引1037次,H指数为15,入选ESI高被引论文2篇;获2021年博士国家奖学金,第八届全国三维设计大赛一等奖,福建省第十二届挑战杯课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖等荣誉。
2019.09-2023.06哈尔滨工业大学博士 材料科学 导师:张嘉恒/朱振业教授
2022.01-2023.01南洋理工大学博士(联合培养) 材料科学 导师:赵彦利教授
2016/09-2019/06福州大学硕士 材料加工工程 导师:詹红兵教授
2012/09-2016/06,福建理工大学本科 材料成型及控制工程
2023.11-至今 莆田学院环境与生物工程学院 四级教授
1. “ 多元素共掺杂调控镍/钴基碲化物电解水析氢性能及其反应机理研究”,福建省自然科学基金,2025-2027,主持,8万
2. “离子液体辅助合成单原子材料及HER性能研究”,莆田学院人才引进项目,2024-2026,主持,40万
3.“离子液体辅助合成单原子催化剂及在锂硫电池中应用研究”,深圳市基础研究重点项目,2022-2025, 参与,150万
1. Yi M,Lu B, Zhang X,et al. Ionic liquid-assisted synthesis of nickel cobalt phosphide embedded in N, P codoped-carbon with hollow and folded structures for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction and supercapacitor. App. Catal. B: Environ. 283 (2021) 119635.(中国科学院一区,IF=24.3,TOP期刊,高被引论文)
2. Yi M, Ma J, Ren Y, et al. Ionic Liquid Meets MOF: A Facile Method to Optimize the Structure of CoSe2-NiSe2 Heterojunctions with N, P, and F Triple-Doped Carbon Using Ionic Liquid for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution and Flexible Supercapacitors. Adv. Sci. (2023) 2206029. (中国科学院一区,IF=17.5,TOP期刊,高被引论文)
3. Yi M, Na Li, Lu B,et al. Single-atom Pt decorated in heteroatom (N, B, and F)-doped ReS2 Grown on Mo2CTx for efficient pH-universal hydrogen evolution reaction and flexible Zn–air batteries. Energy Storage Mater. 42 (2021) 418–429. (中国科学院一区,IF=20.8,TOP期刊)
4. Yi M, Wu A, Chen Q, et al. In Situ Confined Conductive Nickel Cobalt Sulfoselenide with Tailored Composition in Graphitic Carbon Hollow Structure for Energy Storage. Chem. Eng. J. 351(2018) 678–687. (中国科学院一区,IF=16.7,TOP期刊)
5. Yi M, Hu S, Lu B,et al. Selenium Vacancy-Rich and Heteroatom-Doped CoSe/Mo2CTx MXene Prepared Using Ionic Liquid Dopants for pH-Universal Hydrogen Evolution and Flexible Supercapacitors. J. Energy Chem. 72 (2022) 453–464. (中国科学院一区,IF=13.6,TOP期刊)
6. Yi M, Zhang X, Chen Y, et al. Ionic Liquid Dopant Induced Abundant Ni-Vacancies in N, B, F Tri-Doped NiSe2/Mo2CTx Stabilizing of Single-atom Ru for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reactions and Flexible Zn–Air Batteries. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 11 (2023) 3687-3701. (中国科学院一区,IF=9.2,TOP期刊)
7. Yi M, Re Y, Zhang X,et al.Ionic Liquid-Assisted Synthesis of N, F, and B co-Doped BiOBr/Bi2Se3 on Mo2CTx for Enhanced Performance in Hydrogen Evolution Reaction and Supercapacitors. J. Colloid. Interf. Sci. 658 (2024) 334–342. (中国科学院一区,IF=9.9,TOP期刊)
8. Yi M, Zhang C, Cao C, et al. MOF-Derived Hybrid Hollow Submicrospheres of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated Bimetallic Ni−Co−S Nanoparticles for Supercapacitors and Lithium-Ion Batteries. Inorg. Chem. 58(2019) 3916−3924. (中国科学院一区,IF=5.4,TOP期刊)
9. Hu S, Yi M, et al. Metal–Organic Framework Derived NiS2 Hollow Spheres as Multifunctional Reactors for Synergistic Regulation of Polysulfide Confinement and Redox Conversion. J. Mater. Chem. A 9(2021) 15269. (中国科学院一区,IF=14.5,共同一作,TOP期刊)
10. Yi M, Hu S, Lu B,et al. Multicomponent Pt/PtTe2/NiCoTe2 embedded in ternary heteroatoms-doped carbon for efficient and pH-universal hydrogen evolution reaction. J. Alloys Com. 884 (2021) 161042. (中国科学院二区,IF=6.3,TOP期刊)
11. Tan Y, Yi M, et al. Carbon-coated MoSe2/MXene Heterostructures as Active Materials for High-Performance Na+ Batteries. Mater. Today Com. 31 (2022) 103740. (中国科学院三区,IF=3.6, 共同一作)
1. 2024 年获“莆田学院青年拔尖人才”荣誉称号