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黄秋琴,1994年出生,理学博士,硕士生导师;入选福建省高层次人才(C类)、莆田学院青年拔尖人才,主持校级科研项目1项;迄今,以第一作者在Chem. Sci.Nano Res.J. Phys. Chem. Lett.J. Mater.Chem.CInorg. Chem.Chem. Commun.Dalton Trans.等知名学术期刊上发表论文9篇。


1. 有机荧光、磷光材料的设计与合成

2. 新型有机-无机杂化发光材料的设计合成与性能研究


1. 莆田学院引进人才科研启动项目,长寿命红光/近红外金属卤化物团簇材料的构筑与性能研究,2024.07-2027.630万元,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 22075044,室温磷光敏化的超稳定红色/近红外有机长余辉发光纳米杂化材料,2021-01-01 2024-12-3163万元,在研,参与。


1. Qiu-Qin Huang, Yan-Yan Lin, Yu-Ling Wang, Jiayuan Qi, FengFu Fu, Qiao-Hua Wei*. Pargyline-phosphine copper(I) clusters with tunable emission for light-emitting devices[J]. Dalton Transactions, 2024, 53: 5844.中国科学院二区)

2. Qiu-Qin Huang, Jian Chen, Mei-Yue Hu, Yu-Ling Wang, Yi Li, FengFu Fu, and Qiao-Hua Wei*. Ionic Liquids-Driven Cluster-to-Cluster Conversion of Polyhydrido Copper(I) Clusters Cu7H5 to Cu8H6 and Cu12H9[J]. Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62(37): 14998-15005.中国科学院一区)

3. Qiu-Qin Huang,Mei-Yue Hu,Yan-Li Li,Nan-Nan Chen,Yi Li, Qiao-Hua Wei*and FengFu Fu*. Novel ultrabright luminescent copper nanoclusters and application in light-emitting devices[J]. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57(77):9890-9893.中国科学院二区)

4. Qiuqin Huang, Shuming Yang,Shangwei Feng, Hongyu Zhen, Zhenghuan Lin* and Qidan Ling. Multicolor Output from 2D Hybrid Perovskites with Wide Band Gap: Highly Efficient White Emission, Dual-Color Afterglow, and Switch between Fluorescence and Phosphorescence[J]. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12(3):1040-1045.中国科学院一区)

5. Qiuqin Huang, Zhenghuan Lin* and Dongpeng Yan*. Tuning Organic Room- Temperature Phosphorescence through the Confinement Effect of Inorganic Micro/Nanostructures[J]. Small Structures, 2021, 2100044.中国科学院二区)

6. Shangwei Feng#,Qiuqin Huang#, Shuming Yang, Zhenghuan Lin* and Qidan Ling. A metal-free 2D layered organic ammonium halide framework realizing full-color persistent room-temperature phosphorescence[J]. Chemical Science, 2021, 12(43):14451-14458.中国科学院一区,共同一作)

7. Qiuqin Huang, Heqi Gao, Shuming Yang, Dan Ding*, Zhenghuan Lin* and Qidan Ling. Ultrastable and colorful afterglow from organic luminophores in amorphous nanocomposites: advanced anti-counterfeiting and in vivo imaging application[J]. Nano Research, 2020, 13(4):1035-1043.中国科学院一区)

8. Qiuqin Huang, Zhengde Liu, Limei Huang, Zhenghuan Lin* and Qidan Ling. Metal ion-induced coordination and cyclization of crown ether-based bisindolylmaleimides: different fluorescence responses and applications in complex logical operations[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7(44):13904-13911.中国科学院一区)

9. Qiuqin Huang, Xiaofei Mei,Zongliang Xie, Duobin Wu, Shuming Yang,Wenjing Gong, Zhenguo Chi, Zhenghuan Lin*and Qidan Ling. Photo-induced phosphorescence and mechanoluminescence switching in a simple purely organic molecule[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7(9):2530-2534.中国科学院一区)

10. Shangwei Feng, Yujuan Ma, Shuaiqi Wang, Shanshan Gao, Qiuqin Huang, Hongyu Zhen, Dongpeng Yan*, Qidan Ling and Zhenghuan Lin*. Light/Force-Sensitive 0D Lead-Free Perovskites: From Highly Efficient Blue Afterglow to White Phosphorescence with Near-Unity Quantum Efficiency[J]. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61, e2021165.中国科学院一区)

11. Shuaiqi Wang, Jingwei Wang, Qiuqin Huang, Xin Zheng, Zizhu Yao,Shengchang Xiang, Qidan Ling,and Zhenghuan Lin*. Greatness in Simplicity: Efficient Red Room-Temperature Phosphorescence from Simple Halogenated Maleimides with a 2D Layered Structure[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2022, 14 (12), 14703-14711.中国科学院一区)

12. Shuming Yang, Bo Zhou, Qiuqin Huang, Shuaiqi Wang, Hongyu Zhen, Dongpeng Yan*, Zhenghuan Lin* and Qidan Ling. Highly Efficient Organic Afterglow from a 2D Layered Lead-Free Metal Halide in Both Crystals and Thin Films under an Air Atmosphere[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2020, 12 (1), 1419-1426.中国科学院一区)

13. Shuming Yang, Duobin Wu, Wenjing Gong, Qiuqin Huang, Hongyu Zhen, Qidan Ling* and Zhenghuan Lin*. Highly efficient room-temperature phosphorescence and afterglow luminescence from common organic fluorophores in 2D hybrid perovskites[J]. Chemical science 2018, 9 (48), 8975-8981.中国科学院一区)


1. 魏巧华;黄秋琴;林艳艳;优降宁和膦配体共同保护的发光Cu(I)簇及LEDs应用,2023113475056.5发明专利,申请

2. 魏巧华;黄秋琴;一种优降宁保护的二十六核铜簇及其制备方法和应用, ZL2023 1 0047305.7 (发明专利,授权)

3. 魏巧华;胡美月;黄秋琴;李静宇;一种铜基纳米团簇、离子液体诱导合成方法以及应用,ZL 2021 1 0559452.3 (发明专利,授权)





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