2018.9-2022.6 中国人民大学 博士 理论经济学
2016.9-2018.6 中国人民大学 硕士 理论经济学
2012.9-2016.6 西南大学 本科 管理学
2022.7-至今 莆田学院 马克思主义学院 副教授
1. “经济增长质量视角下的多维人口结构红利研究”,福建省社会科学基金,2023-2025,主持,7万
2. “高质量发展视角下新型人口红利的理论构建与实现路径研究”,莆田学院校级科研项目,2023-2025,主持,10万
[1] Xing, X.; Shi, W.; Wu, X.; Liu, Y.; Wang, X.; Zhang, Y. Towards a More Compact Urban Form: A Spatial-Temporal Study on the Multi-Dimensional Compactness Index of Urban Form in China[J]. Applied Geography, 2024, 171, 103368. (SSCI,中科院二区,IF= 4.0)
[2] Wang, X. X.; Zhang, Y. J.; Yu, D. L., Exploring the Relationships between Land Surface Temperature and Its Influencing Factors Using Multisource Spatial Big Data: A Case Study in Beijing, China[J]. Remote Sensing,2023, 15(7). (SCI,中科院二区,IF= 5.0)
[3] Yu, D.; Zhang, Y.; Meng, J.; Wang, X.; He, L.; Jia, M.; Ouyang, J.; Han, Y.; Zhang, G.; Lu, Y. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Holistic View of Social Distancing on the Spread of COVID-19 in China[J]. Applied Geography, 2023, 154, 102941. (SSCI,中科院二区,IF= 4.0)
[4] Wang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Yu, D.; Qi, J.; Li, S., Investigating the spatiotemporal pattern of urban vibrancy and its determinants: Spatial big data analyses in Beijing, China[J]. Land Use Policy,2022, 119, 106162. (SSCI,中科院一区Top期刊,IF= 7.1)
[5] Wang, X. X.; Zhang, Y. J.; Yu, D. L.; Wu, X. W.; Li, D., Changes in Demographic Factors' Influence on Regional Productivity Growth: Empirical Evidence from China, 2000-2010[J]. Sustainability,2022, 14(7). (SSCI,中科院三区,IF= 3.9)
[6] Wu, X.; Yu, D.; Zhang, Y.; Li, D.; Wang, X., Low fertility spread in China: A blended adaptation and diffusion explanation[J]. Population, Space and Place ,2022, 28(6), e2555. (SSCI,中科院二区,IF= 2.4)
[7] Yu, D.; Murakami, D.; Zhang, Y.; Wu, X.; Li, D.; Wang, X.; Li, G. Investigating High-Speed Rail Construction’s Support to County Level Regional Development in China: An Eigenvector Based Spatial Filtering Panel Data Analysis[J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2020, 133, 21–37. (SSCI,中科院一区Top期刊,IF= 5.8)
[8] 王小玺,张耀军.基于空间面板模型的京津冀地区经济增长收敛研究[J].西北大学学报(自然科学版),2021,51(01):118-127.(CSCD,北大核心期刊,IF=2.0)
[9] 张耀军,王小玺.城市群视角下中国人口空间分布研究[J].人口与经济,2020(03):1-13.(CSSCI,北大核心期刊,IF=5.5,被《人大复印报刊资料》全文转载)
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