
作者: 时间:2023-03-14 点击数:

林晖 (LIN HUI),加拿大籍华人,毕业于加拿大University of Montreal获生物力学方向的博士学位。在人体骨骼系统的生物力学,骨骼系统康复矫形,骨骼植入和康复器具等开发方面拥有着十几年的研究经验。在香港中文大学医学院威尔士亲王医院,作为主要研究人员负责3D打印康复器具的研究和临床应用,本项目得到香港特区政府创新基金重点支助,在加拿大,他是一位重要的研究成员工作在Sainte-Justine Hospital 研究中心。Sainte-Justine Hospital 是加拿大最大的儿童医院也是整个北美地区(美国和加拿大)第二大儿童医院,所从事主要研究的领域包括脊柱生长生物力学,脊柱侧弯矫形技术,脊柱手术器具等,他是加拿大Quebec和Manitoba工程师协会会员。在加拿大,他作为核心工程师主持和参与了多个产品的研发以及技术评估工作。


联系电话:15818103881 电子邮箱:hui.linca@gmail.com



1. Chen, Y., H. Lin, Q. Yu, X. Zhang, D. Wang, L. Shi, W. Huang and S. Zhong, 2020, "Application of 3D-Printed Orthopedic Cast for the Treatment of Forearm Fractures: Finite Element Analysis and Comparative Clinical Assessment." BioMed Research International 2020.

2. Qinjie Ling, Erxing He, Huanliang Zhang, Hui Lin, Wenhua Huang, 2019, “A Novel Narrow Surface Cage for Full Endoscopic Oblique Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion: A Finite Element Study ”, Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 24(6): 991-998.

3. YJ Chen and H Lin, L Shi, XD Zhang, WH Huang, DF Wang, 2017, “Application of 3D-printed and patient-specific cast on the treatment of distal radius fractures: initial clinical trials and assessments”, 3D Printing in Medicine 2017. 3(1): p. 11.

4. Lin H., Shi L., Wang D., 2016,“A Rapid and Intelligent Designing Technique for Patient-specific and 3D-printed Orthopedic Cast”, 3D Printing in Medicine, 2016. 2(1): p. 4.


1. Modeling method for Orthopaedic Casts (US patent, No. US2017/0262611 A1)


1. Gold Award of 44th International Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva, 2016, Switzerland (44届日内瓦国际发明金奖第一发明人)


1. 2020年入选”壶兰英才科技创新领军人才”

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